Thanks to all our participants and our Judge, Mike Brownell, for another wonderful trial at High Goal Farm this past weekend. There were a whole lot of celebrations (with and without Qs), many large and small ribbons, and C-ATCH and C-ATE bars, as well as a good number of our really nice Snooker 51 pins delivered to their new owners. In addition to our normal hospitality offerings we consumed 6 dozen cider donuts and 6 gallons of apple cider, plus a delicious congratulatory C-ATCH cake Carrie Griffen-Yakush brought to celebrate Beetle’s recent C-ATCH. So it’s a good thing we did a lot of running those calories off. A listing of all awards, brags, and titles earned will be posted here shortly.
Other than an unusual cold front and a bit of snow on the grass, Mother Nature cooperated and there were no weather-related problems or delays. As a matter of fact, we completed before dark both days, which was much appreciated by those of us still adjusting to the one hour fall back.
This photo was taken by David Cerelli, who was also our very accommodating host, and is available to anyone as a free download on the agilitypics.com website (along with the great photos that will be posted for sale). David took the photo and provided us with 3 large copies of it to write messages for two ailing members and one good friend. We also had another very successful Special Raffle for Good Shepherd Rescue, and gave away the 2 beautiful sets of wing jumps Tom Fish made for us (shown in a previous post). Additionally, Jean Guyon made a lovely blanket and scarf gift set, which sold even before the trial began, and the proceeds of that sale were donated to add to the Good Shepherd proceeds from the jump raffle. (Jean also offered to take orders from anyone else who wanted to purchase a similar set and donate those proceeds too.). Our club members’ generosity never fails to amaze me.
On behalf of our extraordinarily competent Trial Secretary, Dottie Piroha, our trial Committee and members, and myself, we hope that everyone had an enjoyable weekend and another wonderful and rewarding experience with their pups. Hope to see you again at our May 2020 trial. Laurie Kurtzman, Trial Chair